
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Prevent Nuclear Danger

Prevent Nuclear Danger, Prevention involves inhibiting a number of unsecured nuclear material through a variety of arms control, disarmament and threat reduction measures. In addition, prevention include physical security measures such as consolidating nuclear materials in a number of sites that are protected and monitored, something the U.S. has done with its own nuclear complex in recent years.

Prevent Nuclear Danger, The steps focus on the prohibition of the second layer that includes initiatives to prevent, or take the nuclear material that has escaped the control of security. In late December, the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office U.S. sending "strategic plan" that has been long awaited to Congress to establish a global nuclear detection architecture. The idea is to create a worldwide network of sensors, communication, personal and other elements to detect and report potential movement of materials or nuclear weapons and radioactive forbidden.

Treatment of people exposed to nuclear radiation, according to Powles, are geared to minimize the effects of radiation. Some patients may need a bone marrow transplant. Yet he was sure the people affected by radiation will not spread radiation on people around him.

sunflower could ward off nuclear radiation, Benefits sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) not only found in its seeds that can be made kwaci. All parts of the ornamental plant bright yellow this could be a drug ingredient, can even neutralize the effects of radiation from nuclear waste.

The benefit is evidenced in the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor leak in 1986. When most of the water in the region of radioactive contamination, planting sunflowers on a floating raft capable of reducing the impact of radiation in waters up to 95 percent.

Many people assume that living near nuclear power plants will lead to high radiation exposure. Although in the reactor there are many radioactive elements, but the reactor safety system makes the number of releases of radiation into the environment is very small. Under normal conditions, someone living in a radius of 1-6 km from the reactor to receive additional radiation milisievert no more than 0.005 per year. This value is much smaller than those obtained from natural (roughly 2 milisievert per year) or 1 / 400 the value of natural radiation.

The phenomenon of hormesis is then currently there are two conflicting assumptions about the effects of low dose radiation. The first assumption says that no matter how small radiation doses received by the body can result in damage to the cell so as to provide opportunities for cancer or genetic damage. The first assumption is still firmly held by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). Even the data about the existence of radiation hormesis were found by ICRP itself only as an aberration dianggapan and never considered in the decision.

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