
Friday, September 16, 2011


Protein, As with energy, growth early in life requires a protein with the right proportions. In this period of rapid growth, the need for more protein calculated on each unit of energy input than the unit of weight gain.

Proteins, Protein main function is the synthesis of tissue proteins. Every structural components living cell found in muscles, nerves, bones, teeth, skin, hair, nails, blood and glands composed of proteins. Almost all body fluids contain protein but the urine and sweat. The whole enzymes and hormones containing an array of proteins, for example, thyroid hormone (tridotironin and thyroxine) and insulin.

Many of the fetus fails to grow because no enzyme deficiency or certain hormones.
The main function is to synthesize protein for building tissue (growth) and repair damaged cells. In certain circumstances the protein can be a source of energy. Each gram of protein yield 4 kcal.

Protein also as a regulator of blood pH. As a backup protein can contribute to hydrogen ions so that the blood pH is maintained between 7:35 to 7:45. The role of other proteins also regulate fluid balance in the blood. In the state of lack of blood albumin and globulin levels low as in the case of protein deficiency, osmotic pressure disturbance will occur that cause discharge from the blood into body tissues resulting in edema.

Another important role of these proteins also form antibodies that are formed from the "beta limfasites" which will form the "complex antingen antibodies" to fight infection. Specific functions of other proteins is the synthesis of vitamins and the formation of neurotransmitters.

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