
Friday, September 9, 2011

Body Framework

Body Framework, but before further explanation I entrusted a link to the contest with the keyword "Indonesia", Framework (skeleton) is a series of bones that supports and protects some of the soft organs, especially in the skull and pelvis. The main function of the framework is to support, protect, give shape and some means of leverage in terms of surface movements and provide the skeletal muscles. Human skeleton found in the body, so often called a framework or endoskeleton. However, in some types of arthropods such as grasshoppers, crabs, butterflies, shrimps, skeleton outside the body, form a tough skin. Such a framework is called the exoskeleton, or exoskeletons.

Body Framework, Humans have the ability to move and migrate. Human body movements made possible by the cooperation between the bones and muscles. Muscle contraction has the power to move the bone or skin by a specific work that moves, the muscles are often called active motion devices and bone or skin are often called passive motion devices.

Framework of the human body is composed of three types of bone, ie cartilage (katilago), hard bone, and fastener joints (ligaments).

1. Cartilage (Cartilage)
Cartilage is made of solid materials, clear, white and bluish. Very strong but less than the (hard bone). Found mainly in the joints and between the two bones. At first the embryo is a cartilage bone. Then only the centers are still growing are maintained as cartilage. And when adulthood is reached, then the cartilage is only found as the cover edges tulang.Tulang cartilage contains no blood vessels but enveloped in a membrane, ie perikondrium, where the cartilage to get blood.
There are three types of cartilage that shows the special characteristics, namely: tualng hyaline cartilage, fibrous cartilage, and elastic cartilage.

a.Tulang hyaline cartilage; consists of collagen embedded in a transparent base material such as glass. Strong and elastic and cover the bones found pipe as joint cartilage. Also in rib cartilage, the nose, larynx, trachea and the bronchi to remain open. Hyaline cartilage cells is essentially organized into small groups within the matrix is ​​strong.

b.Tulang fibrous cartilage; Formed by the papers fibers with cartilage cells arranged between the beam serabutitu and found at places that require great strength, such as the pelvis and bones kneecap.

c.Tulang elastic cartilage: present in the ear, nostril and the tube Eustakhius. When pressed or bent feels supple and quickly returned to its original shape. Cartilage is not going to change into hard bone, although the man has grown.

2. Hard bone
Hard bone that we call everyday as it comes from the bone cartilage. Bones are composed of living bone cells. Antarselnya space composed of lime (calcium), phosphorus and gluten proteins.

3. Fastener joints (ligaments)
Ikat is a connective tissue joints that are still flexible (elastic). As the name implies, connective joints serves to connect two or more bones that can move, thus forming a joint and protect the joint. In general, these joint binder contained in the joint area to prevent shifting of inventory.

The bones in the body are interconnected to one another. The relationship between bones is called articulation. The formation of joint tissue can be explained as follows: First, cartilage (cartilage) in the joint area will be swollen. Both ends will be covered with a connective tissue, while maintaining the fiber network in order to both ends of the cartilage is torn. After both ends of the cartilage begins to fill the bone cells, then both diselaputi by the clay lining of the joints. This membrane produces lubricating oil such that oil is called synovial joints or oil.

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