
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Social Psychology of people with HIV/Aids

Social Psychology of people with HIV/Aids, Since the discovery of AIDS (Acquired immuno Deficiency Syndrome), and the virus that causes HIV (Human Imunodeficiency virus), appears so broad impact on society. When individuals otherwise infected with HIV, most of the shows characters psychosocial changes are: living in stress, depression, feeling a lack of social support, and behavioral changes Wolcott, et al (in the Ader, 1991) suggests that HIV-AIDS sufferers face situations where their lives often face their own condition without the support of friends and family who make an impact anxiety, depression, guilt and suicidal thoughts or behavior.

Social Psychology of people with HIV/Aids, Lack of family support have an impact on social responses (emotional) of these patients. Social responses (emotional) that can positively support the treatment process so that at least can be inhibited disease progression and life expectancy of HIV-AIDS patients is longer. But the influence of family support terhadapn social responses - emotional in patients with HIV and AIDS remains unclear.

For individuals who are HIV positive, living her life will be difficult because of the physical aspect that individual will experience changes associated with disease progression, emotional stress and psychological stress experienced due ostracized by family and friends for fear of contracting, as well as the social stigma and discrimination in the community. This has an impact on social responses (emotional) patients, as an example of the social stigma that can cause interference in other people's behavior, including avoidance of physical contact and social (Muma, 1997). They live their lives in fear danstress.

By using Psychoneuroimunology approach can be explained that the stress experienced by patients with HIV-AIDS will modulate the immune system through the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical) axis and the limbic system (which regulates emotion and learning process).

Stressful conditions will stimulate the hypothalamus to release neuropeptides that will activate the ANS (Autonomic Nerve System) and hypofise to issue corticosteroids and catecholamines which are hormones that react to stressful conditions. Elevated levels of glucocorticoids would interfere with the immune system. If the condition of stress can be controlled then the modulation of the immune system become better. Long and prolonged stress will impact on the immune system and accelerate the progression of the disease.

By looking at the relationship between stress conditions the disease progresses the need for creating a conducive environment during the treatment process that is by increasing social support in HIV-AIDS.

Social support can be very helpful after experiencing stress and it is important to reduce the psychological disorders associated with HIV-AIDS. Availability of social support that is necessary in connection with a sense of despair and depression patients. And hopefully with the support of family stress is reduced and social responses (emotional) patients would be better, where the emotional response, anxiety and social interaction becomes more positive.

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