
Monday, October 17, 2011

Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular System, One characteristic of being "human" is the transportation and transportation systems contained in the body, the intent to distribute the materials required by the body and remove material that is not needed anymore.

Cardiovascular System, The food digestion process results are transported by the blood from the intestines into the body's tissues. Besides, the blood transports substances that are not needed anymore by the body. Hemoglobin (Hb) carries oxygen (O2) into the tissue cells and conversely raise the oxygen of the finger
with the cells.

Blood also still have other functions, which keep the osmosis between blood and tissue cells remained normal, keep the acid-base balance in the blood remains, regulate body temperature, and as a means "land" to attack or onslaught of disease.
Blood is the main transporter in our body. Human blood is red, but color is not fixed. Sometimes the color is dark red or pink, it depends on the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels.

In general, the function of blood:
a. Transporting the food from the intestines to the network. Working as the transport system of the body and deliver chemicals, oxygen and nutrients needed to function normally can run and throw Carbondioksida and waste product.
b. Red blood cells (erythrocytes) to deliver oxygen (O2) from the lungs to the tissues and karbodioksida (CO2) from the tissues to the lungs.
c. White blood cells (leucocytes) provides plenty of protective material and because the movement of some cells fagosistosis it protects the body against bacterial attack.
d. Blood fluids (blood plasma) separates proteins needed for tissue formation, spreading through the tissue fluid because the fluid is all body cells receive the food. And a vehicle to transport the waste material to the various organs of expenditures for disposal.
F. Regulate acid-base balance of blood to avoid tissue damage due to the compound buffer (buffer) in the form of hemoglobin, oxyhemoglobin, bicarbonate, phosphate and plasma proteins.
Proteins in blood plasma consists of:
1) Antiheolik, useful to prevent anemia
2) thromboplastin, is useful in the process of blood clotting
3) prothrombin, has an important role in blood clotting.
4) Fibrinogen, has an important role in blood clotting.
5) Albumin, useful in the maintenance of blood osmotic pressure.
6) gammaglobulin antibodies useful in the compound.
g) Transporting the metabolism of the tissues to the tools of expenditure.
h) Transporting heat energy from the active to the inactive to maintain body temperature.
j) hormones circulate throughout the body of the gland hormones.
k) distribute the enzymes throughout the body.
l) against infection with antibodies and leucocytes.

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